Royal Tools
Sultan Alae'ddin Suleiman Shah Sofa
A sofa belonging to Sultan Alae'ddin Suleiman Shah (the fifth Sultan of Selangor) with an arabic inscription 'Suleiman Shah'; circa 1890 s. The cushion has been upholstered with new fabric.
Japanese Warrior's Helmet
A collection of Japanese warrior's helmets.
Beautifully decorated boxes underneath each helmet represent the repository of the warrior's ashes.
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah reading glasses and pens
A pair of gold and diamond S.G. Dupart ink and ball-point pen and a pair of Dunhill pen with gold cover. Plus, The Late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah reading glasses
The Crown Of His Royal Highness The Sultan Of Selangor
The present crown of His Royal Highness supersedes "Mahkota Leleng", the previous crown, which was of pure gold; it came from the Bugis province In Sulawesi. During the reign of Sultan Muhammad (1826-1857), a Muslim theologian, Tuan Shelkh Abdul Ghani, counselled the court to customize and find a substitute for "Mahkola Leleng". Diamonds and gem stones from Pontlanak, Indonesia and genuine rubies set in pure gold from Pahang
The Crown Of Her Royal Highness Tengku Ampuan Selangor
The crown, which graces Her Royal Highness the Tengku Ampuan of Selangor during her Coronation as well as the Installation of His Highness the Crown Prince, is adorned with diamonds and red rubies set in pure gold.
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj's chair collection
The late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj's chair collection